Document Type : Original Article
1 Department of Engineering, Kharazmi University, Shahid Mofateh St, Tehran, Iran
2 Health Management and Economics Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
3 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
Aims: The quantity, composition and physiochemical characteristics of wastes are important factors in selecting an appropriate treatment method. Having knowledge about the current status of medical wastes in any region is necessary for the establishment of effective medical waste management. Martials and Methods: In this field study, official data obtained from the national statistical center were used. The statistical population for sampling and physical analysis includes two hospitals and five health-care centers, selected randomly, and WHO standard procedures were followed for wastes segregation. Results: Based on data obtained, 1335 kg of medical wastes is daily generated in Gachsaran County of which 563 kg are infected and 772 kg are noninfected. A minor part of medical wastes are incinerated or delivered to the municipality untreated. However, the major part is hydroclaved. The largest medical center in the region is Shahid Rajaei Hospital located in Dogonbadan city and infected wastes from the whole region are sent to this center to be hydroclaved. Conclusion: In conclusion, the quantity of infected wastes in the region is higher when compared to other cities in Iran. The high quantity of infected wastes may be a result of poor separation of infected and noninfected wastes by personnel due to lack of required knowledge.